8 reasons why Daily fitness is mandatory for all?

Here are the benefits that would definitely motivate you to be fit. 1. Keeps you focused 2. Improves your immunity 3. Keeps the doctor away 4. Adequate sleep 5. Better mental health 6. Improves daily food habits 7. Helps in Daily workout 8. Reduce stress For more health & fitness Tips: Follow us on Instagram ToContinue reading “8 reasons why Daily fitness is mandatory for all?”

Healthy Fruits: Strawberry

The heart-shaped silhouette of the strawberry is the first hint that this fruit is good for you. These potent little packages does a lot: -> Safeguards your heart-> Increase HDL (good) cholesterol-> Lower your blood pressure-> Guard against cancer.For more health & fitness Tips: Follow us on Instagram For Get full Blogs on Health and Exercise: VISIT!

8 Benefits of Salad!!

Salads can be a healthy alternative to your standard breakfast. … Fill your bowl with fresh fruits and vegetables, and be sure to include a source of complex carbs, protein, and healthy fat. If you’re interested in shaking up your breakfast routine, a salad makes for a great morning meal.Here are 8 Benefits of puttingContinue reading “8 Benefits of Salad!!”

Why exercise daily is important?

 If you exercise 3 times a week for 45 minutes, you can help prevent signs of aging. ->Regular exercise slows the aging process and leads you to live your life healthier and longer. -> Calculations based on the Harvard Alumni Study suggest that men who exercise regularly can gain about two hours of life expectancyContinue reading “Why exercise daily is important?”

Health benefits of Oranges!

There are certain benefits of Orange you might not know before!Take care of Your Heart : Good for Kidneys Act as cholagogue Keeps your bones and teeth strong and helps fight against viral infections Helps fight Cancer Improves blood circulation and also eliminates bad breath It is an aphrodisiac. And much more! For more healthContinue reading “Health benefits of Oranges!”

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